Does your company have active crafts enthusiasts, or is it searching for new activities together in the evening?
Send an email via our CONTACT FORM and ask for a quote!
Examples of courses:
Jewellery Box Treasures
Bring your own jewellery box with you. Do you still remember where and when your jewellery was purchased? Does it need cleaning, maintenance, or repair? What do the marks mean and how should jewellery be taken care of? Tell a staggering piece of jewellery history or story to a friend.
Pearl Knotting
Learn how to knot and string pearls on silk thread. You can repair your own pearl necklace or try a variety of knotting and stringing techniques. You will learn to use the tools necessary for making pearl necklaces, and how to know the right pearls and materials.
Jewellery Course
Would you like to make a ring, or weave silver chain links to make a necklace for a pendant? The course content is designed according to the customer's wishes and includes teaching, classroom space, tools, and materials (maximum 12 people).
The teaching language is Finnish.